Puppy Package

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The Better Companion would like to encourage new puppies to begin puppy class and continue for 2 full class sessions of Puppy I & Puppy II. We are now offering a Puppy School Package.
Enroll once for both classes for a reduced price - only $320.00!
When you enroll for the Puppy School Package you will be given a Credit for Puppy II that will be good for 1 year. You decide when to enroll. We do not automatically enter you in the next available Puppy II class – some people want to continue on immediately while others want to wait until a later class. Fill out a registration form online or send us an email as soon as you know which P2 class you want to sign up for.
Puppies over 9 weeks old can enjoy socializing at puppy
playtimes (Open Play Time) too; now being offered by The Better Companion every Friday evening. We also offer Open Play Time for Medium-size and Large adult dogs & puppies in age/size appropriate play groups.
Check our class schedule and sign up now!